Understand how your brain and emotions impact your investment returns

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Your Investment Decisions Are Biased

Cognitive Biases

Poor investment decisions because our brains lack the ability to understand and process information in a statistically correct way.

An example is Availability Bias, where investors are underinvested in stocks after a stock market crash because recent negative experiences are overweighted by their brains. This can cause investors to miss potential returns.


Emotional Biases

Poor investment decisions due to our attitude or feelings.

An example is Loss Aversion Bias. Investors hesitate to sell a stock down 20% due to concerns about "locking in" losses and, as a result, miss out on higher returns in other investments.


Your Behavioral Biases Report

Man Report

Our highly customized Behavioral Biases Report identifies and explains your weaknesses in making investment decisions

This helps you make future investment decisions without biases and achieve higher returns.

How It Works


Take our test and tell us how you would behave in 29 different real-life situations.


Using the latest scientific findings, your answers are examined for signs of cognitive and emotional biases.


Our customized behavioral biases report identifies your personal biases, providing hands-on guidance on how to avoid them in the future.

Why Take The Test?


Better investment decisions




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